Feb 5, 2021

5min Love & Happiness Meditation

Updated: Mar 18, 2021

Hi Mindful Yogi

As business owners and new parents we totally understand the importance of utilising meditation as a way of finding renewed energy, focus and relaxation. We know first hand that running on empty and feeling stressed, drained and fatigued day in and day out is far worse than allowing yourself some well deserved and important ME TIME even if it is only for a few minutes.

For that reason here at The Elliott Yoga & Wellness Studio we have designed a 5 minute Love & Happiness Meditation. This is just one of many meditations to come.

This meditation is suitable for complete beginners and advanced meditators alike.

Why not share this with a loved one!

Could this be a nice meditation to share with your friends and family? After all who doesn't need more love and happiness in their life, especially in the times we are living in at the moment!

Simply click on the share icons below and spread the love.