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5 ways to find some calm in a world of corona

It is very important to stay Calm especially when life seems to be so out of control. If we don't find ways to stay calm then we automatically go into a stress response.

Don't get me wrong stress is a natural part of our life and in fact, very much needed. A little bit of stress is motivating, makes us work more efficiently, it can even boost our memory!

Unfortunately, the level of stress many of us face every day are far from healthy. In fact, stressing too much make many of us unwell - both physically and mentally.

Stressing too much for too long increase the risk of conditions like obesity, heart disease, Alzheimer's disease, diabetes, depression, gastrointestinal problems and asthma.

Sounds awful... luckily with a mindful approach, we can become resistant to everyday stress.


  • Drink water

  • Practice Yoga

  • Make sleep a priority

  • Plan ahead

  • Make your home a sanctuary

Let's look closer at the points:

1. Drink water. You probably didn’t expect this to be point no 1, right? Yet studies have shown that dehydration leads to higher cortisol levels—the stress hormone—making it harder to deal with everyday issues. By staying hydrated you will be better equipped to deal with everyday problems.

Every morning I try to have a lovely glass of warm water with a slice of lemon - its a great way to start the day.

2. Practice yoga. Don’t worry, you don’t need to be flexible and you will not be expected to do splits in your first class:) Simple poses like child pose or supported butterfly will have calming influence on your body & mind. If you struggle to practice yoga on your own then please feel free to join us on our ONLINE STUDIO and you can practice along with Nicky and I.

3. Make sleep a priority. If you happen to be in the vicious circle of anxiety and insomnia, try gentle bedtime yoga or breathing exercises to help you fall asleep.

I Like to diffuse a few drops of lavender essential oils in the bedroom to help with relaxation.

4. Plan ahead. Life is stressful enough, don’t count on your memory, but simply write down all the things on “to do” list. Prioritise tasks and don’t take too much on yourself.

5. Make your home a sanctuary. Imagine leaving all work-related problems in your workplace. Decorate your home with real plants, crystals (amethyst, rose quartz, black tourmaline) and of course candles. Indulge your senses and spritz some Aromatic Yogi Mist around the house.

We hope you have enjoyed our blog post and please feel free to add any comments.

Take care

Nicky & Angela


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The Elliott Studio
The Elliott Studio
Mar 30, 2020

Hi Tracey we have a new class tonight at 6.30pm called Twist Away Anxiety. If you fancy joining in just go to our Online Studio page at 6.30pm and it will be there to purchase. Hope you are keeping well x


Tracey Thomson
Tracey Thomson
Mar 30, 2020

Trying to stay calm! Looking forward to 'streaming' classes.

Best wishes to you both.


Unknown member
Mar 28, 2020

Thank you so much for this. Needed to hear it today 🙏🙏🙏


Mar 28, 2020

So helpful and reassuring as always.

keep safe both of you


Mar 28, 2020

Such a helpful post -bring it back to basics when it all gets a bit overwhelming. Hope you are both well. Missing our classes, but loving that there are alternatives!

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