How to Boost Your Golf Game: The Ultimate Guide to Yoga Poses and Breathing Techniques for Golfers
Yoga improves flexibility and strength but also cultivates mental focus, which is crucial for precision-driven sports like golf.
Full YOGI breath (3-part)
This Three-Part Breathing pranayama is one of the most calming, grounding breathing techniques you can do.
Blissful Beginner - Improve Focus, balance & Patience (Tree Pose)
I want to be... a tree
Beginners & beyond can improve balance, focus and most importantly PATIENCE with this lovely Tree posture.
Yoga pose you'll love..... Adho Mukha Svanasana
Most widely recognised yoga postures in the yoga world best known for calming the nervous system.
Yoga pose you'll love.....SETUBANDHA SARVANGASANA
Lovely posture for helping with indigestion, thyroid imbalances, improving back pain and menopause related issues.
A posture you'll love - Viparita Karani
One of my favourite postures in yoga As you can see practicing this posture has many health benefits and is especially good for improving...
Sleep your way to better health
So, let's look at 4 easy ways you can improve the quality of sleep that you’re getting.
5 ways to find some calm in a world of corona
It is very important to stay Calm especially when life seems to be so out of control. If we don't find ways to stay calm then we...